更新时间:2015-11-17      所在城市:Sydney 悉尼      小区:Auburn, Sydney West, ,       电话: 02 9649 6666 0450520665      微信: Wechat: joyce665


商家简介:     商家 ID: B9334     所在板块:[ 悉尼地板地毯 ]     [ 回首页 ]     [ 回板块 ]     [ 繁體 ]     [ 升级广告 ]     [ 商家登入 ]     [ 商家认证 ]

FM Timber Flooring福美地板( FUMEI PTY LTD)多样化经营各类实木地板,金钢板,实木复合地板,竹地板等. 我们拥有最专业的工人团队,为您提供安装以及打磨翻新服务. 我们以诚信为本. 价格公道,保质保量. 我们承诺7年质量保证.并且我们可以提供免费上门报价的服务.
欢迎咨询02 9649 6666
或亲临本店Unit58/7-9 Percy st Auburn NSW 2144

FM Timber Flooring (FUMEI PTY LTD) does supply, installation, sanding and polish. We specialise in all Solid Timber flooring, Laminate flooring, Bamboo flooring and Floating flooring. With having more than 10 years of experience within the industry, we can assure you won’t be disappointed. Our priority is punctuality and providing you with a qualified service with the best price. Our company also guaranteed 7 years warranty and free quotation for all our clients.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at (02) 9649 6666 or mobile 0450 520 665
Welcome to visit our show room at unit58 / 7-9 Percy st Auburn NSW 2144





福美地板 FM TIMEBR FLOORING【图片 1】   
福美地板 FM TIMEBR FLOORING【图片 2】   
福美地板 FM TIMEBR FLOORING【图片 3】   

福美地板 FM TIMEBR FLOORING【图片 4】   
福美地板 FM TIMEBR FLOORING【图片 5】   
福美地板 FM TIMEBR FLOORING【图片 6】   



 电话: 02 9649 6666 0450520665
 微信: Wechat: joyce665
 联络: Joyce
 地址: 58/7-9 PERCY ST AUBURN NSW 2144
 邮件: fmtimberflooring@hotmail.com
 网站: http://www.fmtimberflooring.com.au


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