更新时间:2019-03-05      所在城市:Sydney 悉尼      小区:Telopea,       电话: 0425807632      微信: DR_LEE_SONG_SCIENCE


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Why is learning science important?

Science education is one of the most important subjects due to its relevance to students’ lives and the universally applicable problem-solving and critical thinking skills it uses and develops.

Teaching technological literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving through science education gives students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in school and beyond.


Science is not the simple memorising of facts. Students need time to explore and make observations through their own experiments, and test ideas. One of the best ways for children to learn about chemistry, biology and physics is to ignite their interest through hands-on experiments. At school, teachers only talk about science and the school curriculum doesn’t have enough science experiments.

Give your child an academic advantage with fun, exciting, real experiments for children to learn SCIENCE.

We are Experts in Experiments.

Why Class (K-Y1)- A science class that uses the five senses to engage in activities. A course that helps students to experience Science and develop curiosity through engaging scientific activities.

Creative Class (Y2-Y3)- A class that expands students' creativity through fun experiments that are directly linked to content. A course where students understanding Science and develop creativity.

Core Class (Y3-Y5) - A class that teaches the foundation of Science. A one year course that involves Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth Science for each term.

GnT (After Core Class or Y6) - A class that allows students to think critically. A course that involves exploring, experimenting and presenting for those who have graduated the Core Class or year 6.

High School Class (Y7-Y9)- A class that is directly related to the School Curriculum. A 1 year course that studies each of the Science curriculum (Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Earth Science) for each term.

Holiday 1-Day Class (K-Y6) - A 1 day Science experiment class for the holiday. A course where students learn one topic from each of the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science and Biology and do project-based task, STEAM.








 电话: 0425807632
 联络: IL HA LEE
 地址: 61 Tintern Av Telopea NSW 2117
 邮件: info@drleesongscience.education
 网站: http://www.drleesongscience.education


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