长城旅行社(长城假期)Great Wall Travel Service Pty Ltd
更新时间:2020-11-17 所在城市:Sydney 悉尼 小区:sydney CBD, 2000 电话: 02 9267 8909 MOB: 0425 230 166 微信: wechat ID: gwtours
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商家 ID: B9395 所在板块:[悉尼長城假期創始於1999年,在澳洲悉尼註冊成立。由經營機票,酒店業務開始,不斷擴展規模,十幾年來憑著對旅遊業的熱忱,吸收並累積專業經驗而成長茁壯。至今囊括世界各地應有盡有的旅遊觀光路線,澳洲,新西蘭,中國,亞洲,歐洲,北美洲,南美洲,非洲,除了安排週末的高品質旅行團之外,也樂於為客人量身訂作專屬行程。為了讓客人玩得盡興,長城假期致力於提供客人最好的服務品質和最優惠的價格,同時提供各種旅遊周邊服務,從代訂機票,酒店套票,郵輪旅遊,包車服務.... ..只有你需要的,沒有我們做不到的。專業耐心待客,細心妥善旅遊規劃,讓您專心於玩樂,不需有其他煩擾。只要您相信,長城假期便帶您放心去旅行。
GW Tours is operated by Great Wall Travel Service operating from World Square in the CBD of Sydney. Founded in 1999 I began Great Wall soley based on air ticketing. As time passed i saw a gap in the market for holiday tours which are affordable yet still offer the same level of quality as the more expensive options. From then we have grown leaps and bounds now offering affordable yet premium tour packages to holiday destinations all over the world.
We continue to service your needs for air ticketing, cruise, car and hotel reservations. Our consultants are experts dedicated to find the best travel deal for anyone at any budget and make your holiday a rewarding and memorable experience. For the perfect travel plans, please speak with one of our consultants or come in too see us.
Mary Cai
Managing Director
电话: 02 9267 8909 MOB: 0425 230 166
微信: wechat ID: gwtours
联络: Mary Cai
地址: Suite 2, Level 1, 650 George street, Sydney, NSW 2000
邮件: info@gwtours.com.au
网站: https://www.gwtours.com.au
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